Adam Blaiklock



锁定》情节简介:Surfing charter flights are a journey to heaven. Six male surfers are trapped on the boat, there will definitely be some friction. When two surfers were replaced by girls at the last moment, the heat increased significantly. SAM, a single girl on the ship, is very popular. Her fingers were wrapped around the bull and Rob. The frustrated and mentally deranged bull quickly decided, She will get what she wants "; and molest her. Others angrily abandoned him on an island, but the determined bull returned and took control of the ship. He attacked the crew and took them hostage. He harassed Sam and tortured others. On the yacht, it was a nightmare like battle of wits, as five imprisoned friends had to survive the anger of the mentally ill at the helm.提示:即刻加入日本电影片库网网址 www.xgwfggc.com,畅享高清《锁定》高保真无缺失完整版,更多动作片源,无需注册,无VIP限制和繁琐广告!只需打开日本片库网网址:www.xgwfggc.com ,尽情欣赏各类好看的免费电影!

