剧情:Following the success of their feature film debut "Jennifer's Shadow" (2004), Pablo Peres and Daniel Delavega filmed a post disaster wilderness zombie movie for an American company. In this movie, South America becomes a multi-purpose, all material dump, with the dead being the last human entity around (forget about the humans here!). This project was never realized, but Pablo's brother Diego Perez began creating and drawing a comic series based on the script - so far, this comic is still in ruins because only some of the works have been completed and published. The European beauty and ball portrayed in Diego P.'s love labor are cleverly transformed by the director's duo into a delightful old-fashioned (1970s) low budget production, closer to Romero and Dante than Fulci and Lenzi. The audience of the International Film Federation are enjoying delicious food: they can watch movies or enjoy unfinished comics at exhibitions.

